Editor's Note: Pretend like this came out on March 23rd. That will make it all seem better and ultimately cooler. And if you can't see the pics, click on this link to see the post on the website.
Today, I will take you to a little unknown land down south, a land where Spring hits sooner than later, a land where sweet tea flows like wine, where pancakes and bacon line the breakfast table: a little town called "Charlotte, North Carolina."

Christine and I took a much-needed mini vacation down to visit our long-lost friend, none other than Keller Schnier. Before we speak of times in the warm southern air, let us first acknowledge the fact that we hadn't left New York City metropolitan area for quite some time. Christine went to Nashville in the Fall, but I haven't left the area (besides D.C., which doesn't count because it's still a 'big city') since July of last year!! As much as I love New York, there are times when an escape from the City is necessary.
Highlights of the trip include: high-stacked chocolate chip pancakes, sweet tea with a bigger-than-life burger, 67 degrees, driving in a car!!, and a late-night Taco Bell run. In typical New York fashion, it was kind of stressful getting there. We took a train from Penn Station to Newark's airport after we both had, more or less, an overly stressful week at work. But as soon as we stepped on foreign soil of the southern United States, our stress and worries were left behind. (Funny side note: I was telling our receptionist at work that I was leaving for Charlotte, and at first she didn't know where it was. Then, she was telling me her friend was also going close to North Carolina to "either Arkansas or Oregon, or one of those other countries." Yes, she's from Queens and has never left New York.)
Keller was happy to see us, and lent his humble abode for our uses for the weekend. We ran each morning, we slept in (a bit), and we stayed out kind of late! I don't know what else you could want in a weekend. We even got to take a nap and watch some of the NCAA tournament! Friday night, my other roommate, Lance, and his wife Sara came up from Spartanburg, South Carolina to hang out for the evening. We hadn't seen them in a long time either, so it was a great get-together, reminiscing of college days of old and yore. This is where the "late-night-Taco Bell run" occurred, mainly because all Lance was doing was talking about Taco Bell and the gloriousness of what it truly is. 'Glorious' can not even explain the explosion of taste a Crunch Wrap supreme offers its eater during a late-night run.
On Saturday, Keller took us on a lovely tour of Charlotte, complete with the St. Patrick's Day parade and everything! Yes, that Saturday was March 21st, not the 17th. You see, Charlotte freaks out when it's below 60, so they postponed the parade from the following week because it was "too cold" out. Good news for us! The City was great - as can be seen from some pictures posted.
Saturday night we hung out, played guitars, and did work, after we ate a ridiculously good burger with sweet potato fries!! Keller's friend Jake had us back to his house for rock-age, and from there we hung out at a bar for the evening's festivities. Then we slept harder than most rocks are.
Sunday was a day for the Lord, so naturally we went to church then ate brunch at the Pancake House. Naturally. At 70 degrees and sunny, Keller and I got a little cornhole-age in, something I've dearly missed since my move to the Big Apple. For those wondering - yes, Keller and I still have it in cornhole, and we will totally dominate anyone who dares play us. Fact.
It was a sad goodbye leaving Kell-dog, but a great trip, and a much needed break for the two of us. Until next time, when work is again done!!