Greetings, blog-o-spherians! For this week's epic view into our more than interesting lives, I have allowed our good friend and world-famous author Benjamin Franklin Wietmarschen write a "guest blog" about how we were able to receive one of the gifts from our wedding. Sit back, enjoy, and please visit to view the hilarious, yet scene-capturing photos from this historic event.
The 100% True Story of When Eric and Christine* Bought a TV
By Ben Wietmarschen
Eric coughed softly as he inspected the cluttered space that was his new home. Looking at the piles of unpacked boxes lining the floor and furniture pushed to the corners of the living room, he slowly felt the full weight of his new married life descend onto his delicate, runner’s shoulders.
Where am I and how did I get here so fast? Was the thought that dominated his mind as he stood amidst all of the things of his life.
Emerging from another room, with even more of these things scattered in it, was Christine, Eric’s new second half. It was only two years ago, that Eric thought of himself as whole. Slowly, though, through the two years that was his American-dream-of-a-courtship with Christine, Eric’s sense of self was chipped away little by little until he was what you might call, “half a man.” Once Eric realized this had happened, long after he had a chance of doing anything about it, he realized Chrisitine was the only way to fill that void. So then, just as it has happened with “men” throughout history, he got married.
And thus he stood, amid their new home, unsure of what to expect next, only sure that the ring on his finger meant that one half of him was now female.
Where am I and how did I get here so fast?
Now, Christine had big plans for their new space. Doilies, ribbons, and candles had already begun flying out of boxes before Eric could say “Where should I put this ‘Pre’ poster”, and before he knew it, the packing was done and Eric found himself resting in a chair, sipping a diet Fresca as he fingered a plate of organic baby carrots and passively took in the sounds of the latest Fiona Apple album.
Where am I and how did I get here so fast?
“Where’s the TV going to sit?” Eric asked as Christine was busy hanging up a painting of a bunny rabbit sleeping in a bouquet of pink and red flowers.
“Um, I guess I didn’t really consider it. How about we try the room without a TV for a while?”
Where am I and how did I get here so fast?
“Um, Christine, babe, love-of-my-life, while I appreciate and respect your decision to use the entertainment center as a display for your Precious Moments figurines, I do think those shelves would be best used for the boss widescreen TV we got as a wedding present from all of our friends who love us.”
“Um, I mean, yes, we CAN get a TV, lovey, but TV’s are always distracting when we are playing our nightly scrabble games or planning dinner parties with other local married couples.”
“Um, my bride, I think having a TV would be good to lure over other couples who might not be married, and therefore not as lame, and might want to watch family friendly movies with us, or, um, you know, like, sports-or-whatever.”
“Yes, you like sports, remember.”
“No, I was just pretending.”
“Please humor me on this one, babe.”
So off they went, in search of the best television money could buy (at Best Buy because that’s where the gift certificate is from) (and also, by “best money can buy”, we mean “as much money as their friends were able to scrounge up”). And, luckily, a local (handsome) man was able to capture the magic of finding the perfect television for the Mayhauses. Let’s take a look.
Eric --“Hey look at me I’m the man of the house with all the muscles! Also, this slap bracelet that I’m wearing is worth $800 in Best Buy because Best Buy loves the 80’s, apparently!”
This is about to become a bracelet. Ha-HA!
Eric – “As far as I can tell, these are all ‘Televisions’”
Christine – “Yes, I see where you’re going with this”
Eric – “Ah hell, just pick the shiniest one. OOHH look, The Black eyed Peas new album!”
Christine – “Eric, you’re getting distracted from TV buying by looking at your favorite musical group’s new album. Just because you love the Black Eyed Peas so much, Eric, doesn’t mean this TV is gonna pick itself. Eric, you love The Black Eyed Peas, we know this much, let’s move one, you’re a BEP-head, we get it. Come back over here!”
Signing the deal.
Christine – “It says here it’s about a baby who is a full grown adult that becomes an old small baby, eventually. Somehow. That is interesting. I also read about it in “Better homes and Gardens” They said it was real good.
Eric- “Oh we’re totally gonna watch Benjamin Button when we get home!”
Christine – “Thumbs up is still cool, right?”
Eric – “It doesn’t matter, we’re married, coolness stopped being a factor ages ago.”
“Simply the Best.”
And the finished product. I’d say everyone involved was happy with the result.
*Actual Christine much cooler than fictional Christine.