There's so much to do, it's borderline ridiculous.
Friday night I went to this improv comedy show at a place called "Upright Citizens Brigade."

They have been somewhat famous over the years, being founded by SNL castmember Amy Poehler, who's in movies and whatnot too. She wasn't there, but another guy from SNL was there. It was only $10 for 2 hours and it was pretty funny. They just get ideas from the audience and act out scenes based on what the "theme" or idea is. It was an interesting crowd because beer was $2, so people were, as they say, "having a good time." Definitely going to check it out again.
Saturday night, Christine and I decided to walk down from Port Authority (40th Street and 8th Avenue) down to Greenwich Village, then over to East Village and St. Mark's Place. Since I work in Midtown (which, to be honest, is a little touristy for me), and run in Central Park, I hardly make it south to the lower sections of Manhattan. Arguably having the most "character" as any neighborhood in Manhattan, the East Village didn't disappoint. (see pictures below.)
There are some, how should I say it, "interesting" people who hang out in the East Village along St. Marks Place. Let's just say that you could literally wear anything (or not wear anything) you want and people might look at you once, then move on to the next person. It's kind of cool how accepted everyone is, but I still have the feeling people there are "too cool for school" and you get the feeling there are a lot of posers hanging around. But such is the East Village. Christine an I met up with Jeremy and Ben at a place called Yaffa Cafe, supposedly open 24 hours, even though the trendy (yet rude) waiter told us we had to leave at midnight. Even as we sat right next to the "Open 24 hours sign." I guess 24 hours means "open 24 hours over 3 days" or something like that. Solid weekend - look forward to more interesting sights from the Big Apple

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