Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Little Visit

Привет, мои друзья!  Welcome back to my feeble attempt at sharing some of our lives’ stories/humor/tidbits with the entirety of the universe.  Conveniently placed on the aptly-titled “world-wide-web,” my thoughts and feelings can be shared not just with myself, but with all mankind.  (Some may think this is a bad thing.  You decide.)

This weekend/week we had s’more guests come up to be our friends in New York: Justin and Jenny Little.  The cute couple from Felicity graced us with their presence from Saturday until Wednesday.  It all started off with a bang when they showed up at my door at 4:15 AM on Saturday morning.  I attempted to stay up to wait for them, but it wasn’t happening.  No offense to them at all, but I need my beauty sleep.  We woke up at “9” (10) and went into the City to meet up with Christine so we could all enjoy the Lumberjack Special at Tom’s Restaurant.  Dee-Lish.  We mainly went into the City to drop off the 5 bags that Jenny brought with her at Christine’s apartment.  It was fun, and a great experience for Justin to witness the madness of carrying bags on the bus/subway.  Luckily it wasn’t rush hour.

We made our way down to Ground Zero and St. Paul’s chapel right across the street from it.  For those of you who don’t know, St. Paul’s chapel played a pivotal role after the attacks on 9/11 as sort of a rescue center for people to go, and it was used heavily by FDNY and NYPD as a base camp.  It was a powerful place – I could feel the tension and struggle outside by Ground Zero, and then feel the relief as we walked in the doors of the chapel.  There’s something about a church/chapel that brings a calming sensation over you, and St. Paul’s was no exception.  After that, we trekked on down towards Wall Street and the NY Stock Exchange, where we were greeted by protestors, and even a small group of people handing out flyers telling us the Federal Reserve was the cause of all evil in the world.  They weren’t very nice – not quite sure how that’s going to prove any point.  Naturally our progression made us down to Battery Park to see the Statue of Liberty, which we always end up at with visitors.  It’s worth it though – it’s a nice park with sweet views and the architecture down in lower Manhattan is incredible – I myself really take it for granted.

That night we watched UC d-d-d-dOMINATE Pitt for basically the Big East championship.  We watched it with Omar and were very nice after the win, yet I let him know we won.  I think Justin and Jenny almost passed out walking, they were so tired.  Sunday was spent attending Church, and brunch and walking through the park.  It was so lovely.  We walked around most of the day, hitting up Grand Central Station’s shopping center (as Justin and I sat on a nice wooden bench), and Bryant Park’s shopping center (do you see a pattern here?) and 5th Avenue’s shopping street.  Justin and I were able to escape for a bit and rock out on sweet guitars at Sam Ash, and then drink beers in a bar.  I honestly don’t even know if Jenny and Christine noticed we were gone.  Just kidding – maybe.  We then hit up Magnolia to mack on some cupcakes.  No doubt that that bakery’s got all da bomb frostings, I love those cupcakes like McAdams loves Gosling.  We got two, no six, no twelve, BAKER’S DOZEN!  I told you that I’m crazy for these cupcakes, cousin.

Monday night we met after work and got some marrrrr(rolling of r)garitas at some random Mexican place.  We also ordered food and ate it.  It wa’ guuuuud!  I just fueled my liking for Mexican food – it’s now close to being my favorite food; German food/beer still can’t be beat, but even I am surprised at how close it is.  Tuesday we just hung out, and today they left L Sad ending to a great weekend with great friends.  We can’t wait to see you guys again!!

 Flavor of the week


Or, as all the cool blogs are calling it these days: «-bux or simply The Bux.  Living in the great and diverse city that is known to the common folk as New York City, I have seen my fair share of Starbucks coffee shops.  And I have drank my fair share of Grande Coffee with a little bit of room for the cream, supplied with non-fat milk (for my girlish figure) and a *hint* of vanilla powder for a little surprising, yet sensible taste. 

Never mind the fact that The Bux is in the process of closing down a large majority of their stores, or the fact that at any given point in New York, you can see 19 different Starbucks coffee locations, some even located within the same store. This week, you should treat – no, you deserve a nice, steaming hot cup-o-joe from those darnded hippies from the Northwest.  They may have gone a little overboard with their store locations, but man, do they know how to make a cup of coffee.  And pretty good fru-fru drinks for all you ladies (dudes who won’t admit they like fru-fru drinks) out there. 

Or so I’ve heard.  I’m waaaaaay too much of a man to drink fru-fru drinks.  Cheers.

 Thing to do of the week

Eat turkey until you literally explode. 

Why else do turkeys continue to populate our world, except to provide us with one delicious meal every 4th Thursday in November?  I know that I will be eating as much as my little stomach can handle.  And you might be surprised how much food I can intake.  Hint: It’s a LOT.  We will be eating at the lovely Sheraton Hotel’s Thanksgiving feast-center mit meine Eltern. (that’s german for parents) 

Run of the Week

Don’t Run!!! I can’t believe I’m actually saying this, but I’m not going to run this week.  And what are you going to do about it?  That’s what I thought. 


I kept it remotely short because I am busy and people (my family) are still here/coming today.  Deal wit’ it, dawg, just deal wit’ it.  (Remotely short?  Yeah right, I wrote a book.)  Go Bearcats!!!

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Who Dey?! and ties

Bonjour, mes amis!  Welcome to yet another installment of everyone’s favorite Cincinnatian-that now lives in New York – that went to UC and Lasalle-and is an Environmental engineer-and likes to run too, and will beat you in a race if you challenge him (sorry, no offense to any other dude that falls into all of those categories).

I think I’ve said this following statement ad nauseam, but “there’s never a dull or boring moment in this City.”  Yet again we were greeted this weekend by a gathering of family and greeted we were.  The Witty gang (minus The Dude) was with us this weekend, and they brought along a strong desire to go do things around the City.  We went to the Natural History museum (and I got to check out the sweet and awesome dinosaur bones and feel like I was 10 again.  Oh, dinosaurs – what more could a young, nerdy boy want?), the Statue of Liberty (don’t be fooled into thinking this will be anything quick), and various areas of the city that honestly, I would never go to if there were no visitors.  The Statue of Liberty, in all its grandness and symbolism, was overshadowed by the fact that it was really cold out.  Not helping the situation, the Statue is located on an island, causing more intense winds and sub-freezing weather.  Also, on another note, somehow Christine, Kerry, Lydia, Sarah, and I were separated from Joanie and Evie.  This caused drama when picture taking was wanted, so not even a group shot of everyone on the trip was taking at the symobl of freedom!  Don't blame me when you don't see a picture of us all there!

Plus we ate at some ridic restaurants that I will forever be grateful to the Witty’s for, like one amazing Italian place where the servers all wore nice suits, the owner came over and talked to us throughout the meal.  They even brought out a fruit/cookie/desert tray after the meal was over and spoke to each other in REAL Italian, which makes you know it's legit.  We also went to a fondue place (my first time!!) and met up with a couple that's around Christine and my age that used to babysit in St. Louis for the Witty's.  They seemed like good people, and hopefully we'll get a chance to hang out with them again soon.  

We did other cool New York things like ride in a subway or hail a cab or just walk around to places.  (Honestly? Who walks around anymore? Don’t we live in America, the birthplace of subdivisions and urban sprawl? “Good Luck, and Godspeed” is all I’ll respond to you.)  We checked out Battery Park, and the girls got to see how there's actually hundreds of Statues of Liberty scattered throuhgout the lower Manhattan region, but for some reason these "statues" ask for money if you take a picture with them.  Weird.

 Run of the Week

Riverside Park.  I only use this because it’s the only run route I have yet to take advantage of in the city.  Until this week when Jeremy and I “did work, son” on this route and showed it a thing-or-two about how to properly run along a river in New York.  I don’t know when it’ll happen again, but it will.  Don’t worry, have faith, and Godspeed (“what’s up with all his Godspeed references today? Is he weird?”  “It’s the word of the day (WOTD).  And yes, I am, more than you think.”)


Music/Album/Band/Rock of the week

I was all ready to put Jon Foreman as the Musician of the week (or year, if you ask me, ), and tell you all about how awesome he is and whether you are young or old, tall or small, thin or thick, hip or not hip, a person who enjoys good music or a person who enjoys horrendous music (google search “Rap music”) – you will enjoy Mr. Foreman’s take on music.  I mean, this dude releases 4 EP’s (Fall, Winter, Spring, and Summer) for a total of 26 soul-wrenching, deep, moving tunes-all in the period of 1 year- and you’re telling me you “don’t want to listen to his genius”?  I usually don’t care what these so-called critics think, but they picked his music as top-notch-so listen.  But he’s not the musician of the week.  I was even going to give you this link and tell you to give him a listen-see and just test the waters, just try it this one time, I swear it’s not addicting the first time or anything, you won’t get in trouble: 

But not this week.  This week, I’m going to pick the all-time-awesome-right-in-your-face-sweet-sexy-Aussie rockers AC/DC as band of the week.  Not because I’ve even heard their new stuff (which is supposedly rockin), but because I don’t play by the rules, just like AC/DC.  What? What? What?


Week of Sports Predictions

Last week was another so-so week for me.  All of us Bengal fans in the world got basically slapped in the face with a tie.  A tie?  Who flippin’ ties in the NFL?  Even all-pro 10 year vet McNabb didn’t know how two teams could tie in the NFL. Sorry Donovan, but rules, as stupid as they are, are rules, and it’s borderline embarrassing you didn’t know it.  I’ll give the Bengals the win just because of his comment.  So I was right. (1/1)

UC beat Llllllvlllle.  Not quite the score I wanted, so ½ a win.  (1 ½ /2)

UC got 13th at regionals, not too far off of 11th, but 13th nonetheless. (1 ½ / 3)

UC won both games in bball.  (17/4)  I somehow ended up way over 100% correct – but it’s math, and Sir Isaac Newton would turn over in his grave if you questioned me.  So, don’t.  Ever.

This week:

UC 35 – Pittsburgh 28.  HUUUUUUUUGE game this week in the ‘Nasti.  Gonna be a close one.  Maybe even as heated of a game as the smack talking circle between myself and Omar when we go watch it this weekend.  We win, eat and drink oranges Saturday night)

UC bball continues its run to 31-0 with another win.  The 2-0 Bearcat basketball may have beaten some pretty easy opponents in South Dakota and some random team from Texas, but they’re legit – at least that’s what I want to think, anyways.

Bengals 14 – Steelers 28.  Sorry, Bengal fans.  Can’t do it.

Who cares about other teams/sports.  Except Cross Country.

Galen -pretty boy- Rupp wins NCAAs along with the Ducks of Oregon on a cold, windy day in Terre Heute.  Ok, if you want predictions, see Ben Weitmarschen’s Meat Grinder here:

 Sweetest Thing Ever.


“Let’s kick the tires, and light the fires.”  And th-th-th-th-ththehat’s all folks!  We have another crew of visitors coming this week (what up Justin and jen-dawg?) and there is sure to be drama and stories and tales of love and lost in next week’s exciting blog entry.  So stay tuned, and “don’t touch that dial! (mouse)”  Ok you can, because waiting 5 days is a long time to not click a mouse button.  Just come back.  Or else I’ll make you send me skyline cans.

Friday, November 14, 2008

Flavor of the Bi-week

Welcome back for this unprecedented 2nd blog post in a single week!  Things of this stature have never been heard of before in the modern world!  Laughs, fear, and a love story unfolds?  Stay tuned to find out - only right here do things one might consider "colossal" happen on a weekly (or bi-weekly) basis.  This is the place to get that "raw and dirty" news you actually care about up-front and personal.  You know, "stuff" that matters.  After all, they always say (who's "they"?), everything happens in New York affects the rest of the country.  (google search "financial crisis")

Hipster Look of the Week
As you know New York is arguably the "hippest" place on the East Coast.  I regularly see people acting too-cool-for-school, and see people who won't admit it, but care deeply about their "look."  This author does not fall into this category and would never care about looks or clothes or being "cool."  Ok, so maybe I do, but I'm "above" the hipsters here.  So maybe that comment just made me be considered a "hipster."  I digress....
My hip-ness probably isn't as cool as other people.  There are two major reasons
 for this:  1) I'm an engineer.  I basically have no hope of ever being "cool" or "accepted" or "that guy" or suave.  It's just engraved into our DNA that we're destined to be the dorks of the world that drive on the video game industry.  But I am engaged to a fashion designer - so I have some, though slim, hope.  2) I'm a runner.  We don't generally care about our looks, hygiene, newness of clothing, etc.  And let's be honest: short shorts are not cool for dudes.  They weren't even that cool in the 70's and 80's.  
So if you want to be "hip" this week, hit up your local Old Navy, they have the sales that will drive all the girls wild!!
Manly Feature (of all time)
The Beard.  If you haven't realized it yet, you've one way or another seen a nice, burly gentlemen with a indistinguishable full beard and thought, "If only all men were like him, our world 
would surely be a more enjoyable place."  Great men of note who had/have a beard:  Chuck Norris, Paul Bunyan, Grizzly Adams, and Jesus.  The beard is not just a fashion statement - it is a way of life.  This author knows a thing or two about the "Way of the Beard" and argues - "if the savior of the world can wear a beard, why can't YOU?

Crazy thing(s) that's happened in the last few days
Wow, this gives me some pressure to come up with something.  It's honestly been a pretty normal past few days - I haven't even gone out to eat (besides Maui Tacos = crazy de-li-cious!)  I suppose the "craziest" occurrence in the past few days has been me staying up to 11:00 one night and not falling asleep on the couch.  Crazy, huh?

Post Script
If you haven't caught on to the "Office-phenomenon" then you seriously should.  Thursday nights at 9 - what else are you doing?  Don't even give me that: "But I watch Grey's Anatomy instead!"  I will compare that to going to a "uppity" restaurant for a burger rather than the pub next door.  You think you're "better" than the pubbies, yet you notice your burger (show) is lacking and you paid too much (wasted too much time) and people are having more fun in the pub (watching the Office) anyway.  Plus, the Office is "cool" so you can make some new friends around the coffee pot/water cooler in the morning discussing Jim and Pam's relationship, or the newest antic from Michael Scott.  Just watch out, you might get "Nard-dawg'ed."

I giggle like a young school girl when I get the ever-so-desired email saying "Your blog has received a comment!"  So feel free to talk, discuss, argue, make fun of, cherish and blabber on in the "comments" section below.  Trust me - I read them (thanks mom and em!) and will most probably respond in a timely manner since I check my email every 2.48 minutes.  

"...and that's all she wrote!" or in this case, it's a "he" but it doesn't sound the same to put "....and that's all he wrote!" because it's just a classic finishing touch.  Or "the fat lady has sung!"  or some other cheesy form of dismissing everyone until after the weekend.  Adios!

Tuesday, November 11, 2008


One casual, all-around decent dude from the Midwest's perspective about Big City life and all the frustrations and humor that come along with it.

¡Hola mi amigos!  Welcome back to the newest installment of the ever-so-popular and mysterious blog of "insert sweet and awesome nickname" Eric Mayhaus!!  Now you won't have to lie on the bus tomorrow and pretend you know what's going when all the "cool kids" are talking about "cool things" like professional wrestling and professional ath-a-letics.  No worries, mortal friends, I am here to provide you with all you will ever know what's going on up here, in the only place that matters, New York.

This weekend, highlights were "abound" as some would say, and once again a dull moment didn't come across us, unless I missed it because I fell asleep on the couch every night.  Friday night Christine and I "hit up" a show Starring (yes, starring) my cousin Jeffrey Kuhr.  Phenom.  The show was basically a showcasing of this dude, I don't remember his name, and his choreographing skills so that people in NYC will hire him.  Jeff and his cohorts were also there to showcase their own talents as well.  And showcase they (he) did.  I'm going to be completely honest in that I did not care about the rest of the show except what Jeff was doing.  Even when he wasn't the lead, I was watching him, because, c'mon, he's my cuz, dawg.  Gotta rep the fam.  He was awesome, and Christine and I really enjoyed the time.

Saturday night - UC beats West Virginia!! (see below)  We went to a bar ( a Cal-alumni bar, I might add) and watched UC move their way into a coveted top-25 position.  After the game i quickly went out and pre-ordered some Florida oranges and dusted off my large bowl.  (If you don't get this, then I'm sorry, I can't say anything else).  

So I may have lied a bit earlier when I said "highlights were abound."  This weekend was dece, and definitely fun, but nothing much happened out of the ordinary.  'Nuff said.

Week of Sports Predictions
After a stellar 50% first week, I moved up to 98% with my predictions from last week going 2 for 4.  (I know you "think" that you "know" the math doesn't work out for that, but I'm an engineer, and I do math problems for a living, so you're going to have to trust me on this one.)  I'm counting the close game that UC beat WVU as a "win" for me, so deal wit' it.  And I ran thrice, a far cry of help from the 5 that I "chad-johnsoned" last week.  I'm 2 for 2 in runs this week, so that 5 times a week may not be far off.  And Notre Dame, oh old Notre Dame, why you disappoint me!?

Bengals will win.  Brent Celek has a career day and scores 7 touchdowns, but Ocho, Teej and the "bungies" pull out a 63-56 slim win over the surprisingly struggling Eagles.  Bengals on track to go 8-8 and prove nothing, not go to the playoffs and not get a top draft pick.  Whoop-de-frickin'-do. 

UC 70 - Louisville 7.  We will avenge this same deficit of 3 years ago when the infamous "defacing" of the Louisville logo fiasco ruined our chances of winning that game.  We can smell the oranges, and our first win over Louisville as members of the Big East will be a step closer to Florida. 

UC BASKETBALL STARTS UP NEXT WEEK?!?!?! Uc will host NKU this very evening in the last exhibition game before the season starts.  NKU should be commended, but will get beaten to a bloody pulp by the extreme awesomeness and short stature of Mick Cronin and the 'Cats.  I expect to drink a few back this season watching UC make it's run back towards the tourney.  See you in March!

UC cross country will set an all-time school best at the regional meet with 11th.  Not quite the top 10 they hope for, but definitely doing work.

Song of the Week
"Lazy Sunday" - by Chris Parnell and Andy Samberg.
The true affects of the song can only be experienced through video here.  You're welcome.

New York "Moment" of the Week
As "this dumb, idiotic guy" was late for his bus this past week, "he" sprinted through the subway station and went through the emergency exit, but then forgot that "he" went out the exit already, because you normally have to go through a turnstile, so "he" ran all-out full speed into the "in" turnstile and was rejected harder than anyone has ever been rejected before in the history of the world.  Not only did "he" do that once, "he" tried one more time, only to get denied.  Eventually this "dumb, poor soul of a man" figured it out and ran the right way, but not before my, I mean "his", pride suffered.

I don't really have much else this week, so until next week friends!! Enjoy your weeks/time you spend reading this.  And look out for your boss reading this over your shoulder!


Tuesday, November 4, 2008

En. Why? Ceezy - Weekly Update

w-w-w-weekend recap

Guten Tag, meine Freunde/Familie!  This was a busy week/weekend.  I’ll get to the point – Dave and Keller came up to New York along with UC’s cross country team for the Big East Cross Country championships!  UC dudes got 6th and females got 9th.  You can read about it here.  I don’feel the need to go deeper, except shout out to Eric Fine-face for his superb race. 

Thursday night Dave and Keller flew in and we, along with Ben Wietmarschen and Christine, watched UC dominate South Florida.  And got our picture taken at the bar wearing fake mustaches and funny hats.  That picture will surely be posted.  But that means I have to scan it in.  Lame-sauce.

Friday night we went out with the team and ate at a pizzeria before going down to the Greenwich Village Halloween parade!  What a good, solid time.  I went as a milk carton (I know, amazing) dave went as a cow, and keller went as, well, you can see it below.  We got asked to take our pictures so many times by foreign people with their cameras around their neck and their “safe” ninja or Minnie mouse costume (you know who you are, wusses!)  The streets were all closed down to embrace the thousands and thousands of people who dressed up and walked around in a purely “frightening” group.  We walked around all night just seeing the crazies dressed up and watching the parade.  It was a lot of fun – will be in attendance again next year as milk and cookies.


Saturday we ran in Central Park and just hung out until we went out to Blockheads, where we drank cheap Margaritas and Keller left his number for the waitress as “the tall, dark, and handsome guy.”  (she actually texted him later!! Omg omg!) after we were done acting like 12-year olds, we went back down to St. Mark’s place and hung out at Grassroots tavern waiting for Ben and Jeremy (who didn’t come, you jerks) until we went home.

Sunday we got to watch the marathon and watch it we did.  Congratulations, Omar!  You finished it!  Then we watched the Bengals (gasp!) win?!?! See below.


Song of the Week/Weekend

“Life is a highway” – That’s right, kids.  The Office blessed our ears a staggering 4 times with it in last week’s episode, and it’s one of those songs that will etch itself into your head like that scar I got the time I fell and cracked my head on the fireplace.  I prefer the Rascal Flats version, because their lead singer’s voice is “dreamy.”

 Run of the Week

Van Cortlandt Park.  Easy choice.  This run is the run of any week that you run it – it’s that good.  Also, I didn’t race it this weekend, so it was substantially more enjoyable than the last time I ran it – in which I felt like the wrath of God was thrown on me at the 2 mile mark.  This course is amazing when you’re not racing. 

Quote of the Week

A guy down at the parade to me about my costume – “Hey you should put a missing person on your milk carton.  Oh you’re the missing person!  That’s sooooo fabulous!”

 Bengals Player of the Week

Even though us Cincinnatians “celebrate” another loss for the Bengals….What? The Bengals won this week?!? Holy smokes, it’s a miracle!!

My hat goes off (it was really never on to begin with) to Chad “Ocho Cinco” Johnson or Chad “Johnson” Ocho Cinco” (whatever) for actually catching some passes this week.  For the small portion I watched off the game, I saw Jonathan Joseph do some work hitting people and making plays.  He actually played well and didn’t weakly two-hand-tag the offender as a “tackle”.  C’mon JonJoe, this is the NFL, you actually have to hit other people. 

 Week of Sports Predictions

I was not correct in 2 of 4 predictions last week.  If you can do math, that’s 50%, or failing.   The Bengals won, and a Kenyan did not win the marathon.  But, I enjoy trying, and it’s my blog, so I can do whatever I want.  And in this blog, 50% is passing.

Bengals are off.  No loss here.

UC 24-WVU 23.  Last second field goal heroics by Jake the Snake.  I took Speech class with him, and brought him to AIA, so he basically owes me everything he’s ever done, so in turnaround, I kick the winning field goal this weekend.

Notre Dame 27 – Boston College 17 – mainly because I like Notre Dame.  And Jimmy Clausen is “one good dude.”  Especially when he had his long hair.

Me – I will run 5 times.  Fact.

Crazy/Awesome Public Transportation Moment of the Week

This happened last night on the Subway coming home from Christine’s to apartment.  I was sitting on the subway, and I hear a soft singing, which eventually kept getting louder, and louder.  All of a sudden, a giant, “Hallelujah! Praise the Lord!” was being shouted to the ends of the subway car, followed directly by a “Mother F%^#$er!”It seems this very lovely lady had tourrete’s, and she enjoyed praising the Lord, followed immediately by cursing.  Needlesstosay, it gathered a few snickers and grins throughout the car.  

Also, a man absolutely blasted Tom Petty from a handheld boombox on the train uptown.  Good thing it was good music.

 Something Cool? Or not….

Conveniently this post is being posted on election day.  (maybe not "conveniently")  I'm not by any means going to represent a candidate and get on a soapbox (mainly because not many people read this and I could guess their votes).  I did vote today, and I voted for who I thought was the best candidate.  This election, it seems, at least from a right-to-life viewpoint, Christians are arguing over whether the Right abortion stances or the Left social justice stance is more important in our world.  Historically, the Christian vote has gone the way of the Conservative Republican, no questions asked.  We're seeing a new "trend" this year, and I think it's people kind of fed up that we as Christians have to be put into a certain category and have to deal with some of the Republican ideals we may not like.  There are points from both sides of the spectrum that are good and flat out wrong.  As a Christian, I want to move away from the "pro-life" stance and move towards a "whole-life" stance.  This doesn't just mean we should fight for unborn babies, but for every single human being from conception till death.  A single presidential candidate isn't going to change or do anything for this country if the people don't do something also.  As we vote, let us vote for who we feel will make this country a better place for everyone - and let US work towards that.