Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Doing Work in NYC

I can't believe I'm already halfway through the fourth week of being a "for real" engineer in New York. It doesn't seem like I've been gone that long, and it doesn't seem like this is a permanent thing yet, either. I still feel as if I'll be heading back to school in a month. I'm excited about having a career, but also bummed I don't get to be a student and just hang out. This picture to the right shows my office building location at 1375 Broadway, just at the corner of 37th Street and Broadway. It's kind of in the heart of Midtown Manhattan - which is the heart of New York. I'm basically experiencing everything New York City has to offer every day before and after work.

I've been getting opportunities to travel downtown close to the Financial District for work to attend Pre-Proposal Meetings for CDM. Basically all this means is that I show that CDM is interested in a job, and take notes at the meetings so that we can write a proposal of what they want us to provide them with. Just this past week I went to a meeting for the City of New York and the picture to the right shows an image of where the meeting was held. It was a cool building, even though it was a little intimidating. Oh well. All is well. Other than that, things have been pretty normal, so to say. Christine and I walked around Manhattan over the weekend, and ran in Central Park, which is always fun. We came across this great Grilled Cheese place called Say Cheese! on the Upper West Side. It is a place that Emily, Keller, Christine, myself, and Keller's sister Ellen went to a few years ago and it was that good. Hopefully when Emily comes up we'll try it out again.
Shout out to the Kriegers who celebrated the birth of their first child, Colin, this past week!

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