More things are beginning to happen while living in New York. First off, I ran my first race here in New York at the Fitness Games 4 miler in Central Park. I did alright, running a 24:30 for the race. That’s about a 6:10 mile pace, which isn’t great, but it’s not bad considering I’ve only been at it for 4 weeks now. It did its job of getting me pumped up to keep running and start training a little more hardcore – yet still not as insane as I was training when I was running at LaSalle or UC. I am running the 5th Avenue Mile on September 21st, which is a mile race from 80th street to 60th street down 5th avenue in Manhattan. I’m really excited about this race and excited about what I can do. Not expecting big things, but it’ll hopefully be a lot of fun. That weekend, Paul and Leanne are coming up to watch the Bengals game – we play the Giants – in the City.
I went to a Bengals Bar this past Sunday with Christine to watch us lose to a bad Ravens team. It was called Phebe’s (http://www.phebesnyc.com/) and it was entirely full of Bengals fans. Even the waiters/waitresses had Bengals apparel on, and joined in the celebrating of Bengals football. There were “chili dogs” on the menu and cheap beer – it definitely felt like watching the game in Cincinnati. I’ll definitely be going back to that place to watch the games. To make matters even better, we had our first “celebrity sighting” of Andre 3000 of the rap group Outkast. For those of you who have never heard of him, his bio is here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Andre_3000
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