I'm finally starting to settle in a bit here in NYC. I've been running with some friends/co-workers in Central Park a few nights a week, so it's been really nice to meet some people and hang out. Here's an important update though: Christine found a job! She starts on October 16th and until then she will be frelancing for the company, starting next week. She will be working on 32nd St. and 5th avenue, which is close to my office! We're both excited and happy about the offer!

Included in this post I put the picture I see every day at the bus stop. As you can see, there's a lot of buses that stop at this specific stop, and there's usually one that comes every 5 minutes or so. It's nice, because it's about a 5 minute walk to the bus stop from my place, a 15 minute bus ride, and a 10 minute walk to work from the Port Authority Bus Terminal in New York. So it's a 30 minute commute every day, which really isn't too bad. It's broken up, and I don't have to pay attention to the road when on the bus, so that's nice. It's also less crowded and less smelly than the subways in the City. You can even see New York City in the background of the picture. I'm getting really used to public transportation, and liking how a City depends on it. I realize a city like Cincinnati couldn't really implement a subway system like the intricate one that New York City has, but the bus system could definitely use some work. I’m amazed at how many people don’t have a car, and how nobody even wants a car. It really makes sense and can save a lot of money/reduce impact on the environment. It’s really a matter of time before every city has more options for public transportation, because it’s becoming more in-demand. Plus, you get to see/meet so many more people than you would ever meet if you just sat in a car all the time. With that being said, New York City definitely has some interesting people to meet on the subways. Christine and I even made a point to notice all the types of people that live here. It’s kind of weird at first, but now I’m starting to really enjoy seeing so many nationalities, and ethnicities, and all walks of life every day on my ride/walk to work. I’m starting to feel not normal in that I’m a white, only English-speaking male. I’m part of the minority here.
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