Last weekend was a weekend of firsts. We started off the weekend on Friday by attending the celebration of matrimony for my coworker and good friend, Omar. Taking the non-traditional route, he and his lovely bride Joyce (what a fantastic name!) held only a reception open to the public, in which they rented out a local party room for 50 of their closest friends/relatives. Our camera was unfortunately in the hands of 2 confused-at-technology people (Christine and I), and it took until we left the party to figure out why the pictures were blurry, so no pictures can be posted of our time at the Gadalla wedding. Christine and I were a little hesitant of the event at first, since we basically would know 2 of the other 48 people at the gathering, but it turned out to be a great night. Their friends are fun and hilarious, with impromptu speeches and laughter galore. I finally met Omar's dad, who is himself a famed ancient Egyptian historian and former Civil Engineer. Those two professions aren't usually synonymous with each other, but he makes it work, and does something to inspire a fellow Civil Engineer/writer wannabe.
The other event of the weekend was the famed Crosstown Shootout, the epic struggle between the two Cincinnati basketball juggernauts, The University of Cincinnati and Xavier University. If anyone even has to ask who I was rooting for, just take this simple comparison as my reasoning:

You be the judge of the more ferocious mascot. A Bearcat would LITERALLY eat a musketeer, as it's common knowledge Bearcats love chocolate and wuss schools for dinner.

Even with my obvious win in the mascot department, Xavier won. I wasn't too happy about the game, or even our playing ability, for I feel UC could have and should have won the game. I may have jinxed the Bearcat hopeful by not having my ceremonial 2 cheese coney, small 3-way, oyster crackers with hot sauce, and large southern-style sweet tea meal before the game, but our motley crew did go to a UC bar in anticipation for a big win. I was surprised with an attendance of over 20 UC Alumni (including Ben and J-bomb, who get nods as plain old UC fans) at the bar, making a homey and inviting atmosphere to be a UC fan.

Much to the chagrin of those present at The Hill (not to be confused with the MTV hit drama, The Hills), Xavier prevailed and bested our favored Bearcats in the 40 minutes of basketball. Deonta Vaughn led the Bearcats with 39 points, and pretty much tried to win the game by himself, but we still fell short. Story of our lives. We left the bar and retreated home, but with added hope that this season and even next season will have more in store for UC than the past few. As you can see to the right, Christine still got in the Spirit. And above, Ben and I are pathetic.
Saturday also held the event of Christine and I going to Macy's. I stress that if anyone ever plans on visiting New York during the Christmas season, stay as far away from Macy's as possible. It was a madhouse. People pushing, yelling, and buying all at the same time left me wanting to get out as fast as humanly possible. But we both got very lovely watches courtesy of the Plageman's Christmas gift. (Thank You!!) I'm amazed at the sheer volume of people that fit into the store. You couldn't pay me enough to work there during the season. Well, I suppose there is an amount....
Another exciting event was the purchasing of Christine and my wedding bands. We decided this was as good of time as any to make this purchase, as the jewelry stores all have sales during the Holiday season, and it makes our Christmas gifts easy. It was a pretty cool experience picking out the bands, and makes me wish the May 23rd date came faster than it already is.
Week of Sports Predictions
UC 79 - Mississippi State 68
I feel UC made a big step in their near win over Xavier, and Vaughn is a superstar, so look for him to drop another 20+.
Bengals 56 - Browns 49
Another shootout like the '05 game. This one won't be nearly as pretty, with Fitzpatrick struggling with 6 TDs and 7 INTs, but Bengals will prevail for 2nd week. They're out of the running for the #1 draft pick, so they might as well beat the Clowns.
UNC 100 - Whoever they play 50.
North Carolina is that good. Hansborough or not, these guys dominate everyone in their path. They'll only lose this year if they want to. Duke, what up? UConn, what up? "The only team that can beat UNC is UNC themselves," is the lamest comment you can make, but it's a true one.
Music of the week
The Fray - You Found me. They found me, addicted to their music again. To me, their guitarist can be likened to a subtle rainfall while you're trying to sleep. Awesome, until you take it away, then dearly missed. Ok, so that was a horrible analogy, but he's really good and I feel really drives the band on.
Run of the Week
Central Park in the snow. Fun AND not crowded.
Hope y'all enjoyed it this week. I had fun living/writing it, so I only hope you had fun reading. Next week is Christmas, so if we don't talk to you before then, Merry Christmas!! We miss everyone and can't wait to see you all again! Y'all come back now, y'hear?!
1 comment:
Lets try this again since my last posted comments did not go through...
As for your jinxing the Bearcats because you didn't eat your usual pregame meal- shame on you!!! Even dad and I went to Skyline that day in hopes that the BB/Skyline gods would help UC beat those darn Muskies. But alas, it was not meant to be! Granted, Vaughn did look good in the second half and tried to pull out the win himself should have been a TEAM effort and not just a one man effort! Yay to Christine for getting into dressing for the part of a fan and yes, you and Ben do look a little pathetic!! You boys need to eat (and maybe lift a little) in order for it to look like you have more than a tendon in those arms!!
As for your trip to Macy's...I think it should be written somewhere that if you are in New York during the Christmas season that you MUST visit there!! I cannot believe that we were there and didn't even go IN to the store!! I mean, come on!!...we were there for the MACY'S parade, it was the busiest SHOPPING day of the year (Women be shopping!) and we just walked past the place!! You need to experience all of the craziness at least once in your lifetime. When and if I am ever back up there during this season again, I will make it a point to at least walk in the place.
As for your comment "Duke, what up?"...they play the ol' Muskies on Saturday. In New Jersey, I might add..I assume we will be watching it at Aunt Sue's while having our Christmas with Gpa Snider. You'll have to watch it also and maybe we will feel the "vibes" of being together. I am sure I will be cheering somewhat for the Muskies (since I will be severely outnumbered if I don't) since they are a Cincinnati team but will not being cheering as loudly as the Kuhrs.
I will have to check out the new Fray music...their songs remind me so much of you and Stetson Hills. I didn't know who they were before you guys started playing their music and since then, they are on the radio NONSTOP. Especially the song that was on Grey's Anatomy!! Hopefully the new stuff is as good as before.
As for running in the snow...good luck with that! I hate the snow and everything about it!! After this past week, I cannot understand how you could run in it when I barely could walk and/or drive in it! You can have all the snow you want up there. Just make sure it doesn't come here.
As for the confused-at-technology people trying to take pictures at Omar's reception...just make sure you figure it out by Christmas.I can't believe you, of all people, can't figure that out, Mr Engineer!!
Well, I cannot remember all the witty comments I made before in the post that didn't get posted so I will close now. Have a fantabulous week and a fabulous Christmas. Enjoy your eating fest (who's doing the cooking?) and your movie marathon. It is NOT the most wonderful time of the year, though. Too much stress and hectic craziness for me . I look forward to the quiet and relaxation that January brings.
We will miss you both a lot this year as it just won't be the same without you here. Take photos and maybe we can video chat sometime that day!! I will end with the same comment you ended this posting with as it applies to you too... "y'all come back now, y'hear?!?!" Much love!
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